Passion Flower
Passiflora sp.

Considering the size of the Passifloraceae Family, and considering also that they come broadly speaking from South America, unsurprisingly relatively few examples of it will grow in the UK. Holding their position with tendrils, they generally need a sheltered south-facing aspect.

With their complex-looking flower structure, the Passion Flower is said to get it’s name from pious Spanish Priests in South America who linked the parts of the flower to the instruments of Christ’s Passion.

As you might expect, plant breeders are always finding ways to breed new varieties from those species that will grow here. It’s therefore always a good idea to check out several different sources if you decide to buy one.

…… and let’s face it, it’s always nice to have an interesting talking point in the garden.

And as an added bonus, the fruit, which generally only comes with a long hot summer, like the ‘Lock-Down’ summer of 2020 ….. is edible. It also has medicinal qualities for the relief of cramps and headaches.