
Both evergreen and deciduous species available. Euonymus is a useful family, for both specemin planting, hedges, and edging. The evergreen variegated varieties offer some of the brightest colours for winter foliage effect. They do well in most soils, including shallow chalk. This is Euonymus alatus which in good conditions produces these wonderful ‘Corky’ wings.

It is also one of the finest shrubs for its autumn leaf colour.

This is Euonymus europaeus in fruit. Being a native, it is commonly called ‘The Spindle Tree’ – it is covered separately in this Plant Guide.

These evergreen varieties are the ones I particularly wanted to cover in this section, because, as I mentioned at the beginning, they hold that bright colour right through the winter. Used in the right way and placed to advantage, they can really cheer things up on a gloomy January day. This one is ‘Emerald n Gold’

… and this ‘Silver Queen’