


Common name the same as the Latin – “cot-own-ee-aster”. A family of dozens of different types, ranging from low growing ground cover shrubs to medium sized trees. Some evergreen, and some deciduous. Some hardy, some half-hardy. As can be seen from the photo, the evergreen C. dammeri makes a good thick hedge for year round effect. A sharp set of shears, secateurs or hedge cutter blades are required, as blunt blades usually leave a stringy and unprofessional finish

The more commonly seen ‘mound forming’ habit

And the larger leaves of the ‘tree’ type of Cotoneaster.

Typical 5 petal flower of plants belonging to the Family Rosaceae

Typical autumn colour of the deciduous Cotoneasters.

And the effective use of a deciduous Cotoneaster as a feature hedge in the autumn.