Garden Jobs For October

I know … you turn around twice and suddenly it’s October. How did that happen ?!
Well, there’s one thing you can be sure of – you won’t be bored because there’s plenty to do !

You need to keep on top of those falling leaves

Any Moss you may have on paving? Remove it now to avoid winter accidents.

Get those weeds out of the driveway before they become stubborn.

Cut back those lanky summer-flowering shrubs, like Buddleia by half their height so they don’t get uprooted by the winter gales.

Clear out the old summer bedding when it’s going over … and think about maybe replacing it with stuff for the winter months.

October may be as late as you can get for planting those spring flowering bulbs.

For any grass cutting you need to do from now onwards, you must think about raising the height of cut. The grasses in your lawn will then have plenty of leaf to sustain them through the winter months.

If you are planning to use your greenhouse to get those seedlings off to a good start for next year, now is a good time to tidy things up a bit.

Similarly, your shed and fencing may benefit from a lick of paint.

Maybe some of your tools need sharpening or cleaning-or fixing-or replacing.

Think about what you need to do with your Veg plot – tidy things up and prepare for next year.

Now there’s a bit of moisture in the soil again, aerating those areas of your lawn than take the most traffic can really help to improve it’s health and vigor. And an Autumn Feed’s a good idea too.

And if that list doesn’t find you something to do, something else will surely crop up !!!