A Few Facts About Decking

As with many trends, they sometimes come about as a result of a pre-existing solution from the days of yore. Primarily Decks appeared as timber planking walk ways raised above the ground to give safe access over areas of an unsuitable gradient, instability or of areas of water. In the early days of the colonization of America, to keep out of the muddy street, Board Walks were created, and songs have been sung about them ….
As such, the tricky terrain that had to be crossed meant that some thought had to be given as to how this could be achieved as inexpensively as possible.
Of course, these days, while construction methods of this nature may not strictly be absolutely necessary, they have an aesthetic appeal that can create a ‘cozy’ feel within a project. And if that’s what you like, then why not have it?

As can clearly be seen in this image, the ground levels are not ideal. To create a useful area of paving in this situation would require building a retaining wall along the front and a substantial amount of infill to bring the levels up for the paving.
As can be seen in the image above, by using decking to create the level area, a strong timber framework can be built to achieve the same effect. Firmly secured to upright timbers concreted into the ground.

And when you check out the flimsy nature of a typical pallet and what it is capable of carrying, it is clear that a structure like this will most certainly provide more than enough strength for the job in hand.